
Dress/Vestido: Stradivarius (actual)Cardigan: Lefties (actual)Bolso/Bag: H&M (Old)Bag/Bolso: Zara (old)Sunnies: Prada (MisterSpex) Manicure: La Petite Folie (Gelcolor OPI Eurso Euro)  Hi!Slip Dresses are the top trendy of the season. We can find them in every low cost shop or even in

 Dress/vestido: Lefties (actual)Perfecto: Mango (old)Bag/Bolso: Zara (old)Boots/Botines: Lefties  (actual)Sunnies: Web (vintage)Manicure: La Petite Folie (OPI Did you "ear" about Van Gogh)Hello!These kind of slip dresses have hundreds of posibilities. Today I wear it with a perfecto jacket and black boots (rocker touch), but