I wear/llevo puesto:Basic dress/traje básico: Primark (actual)Sneakers/deportivas: New Balance (actual)Bag/bolso: Primark (Old)Watch/Reloj: Swatch (actual)Hamsa Necklace/collar mano de Fátima: El taller de JM (actual)    Photo By @13patukaThe Berlin Wall East Side Gallery is a 1.3km-long section of the wall near the center of Berlin. Approximately 106...

 Check Point Charlie Monumento al Holocausto Shirt/Blusa: Oysho (Sale 3'99€)Skirt/Falda: Primark (3'00€)Sneakers/zapatillas: ConverseBag/bolso: ChanelSunnies: Ray-banEarrings/pendientes: Primark Hamsa necklace/Collar mano fátima: El Taller de JM  Photo by @13patukaBerlin ever never disappoints. It's one of the most AMAZING cities that I've visited. Plenty of freedom and...

 Shirt/Blusa:Papaya (actual)Short: Forever21 (Old)Saldals/Sandalias: Zara (Old)Bag/Bolso: El Corte Inglés (Old)Watch/reloj: Swatch (actual)Sunnies: Ray-Ban (actual)   Photo by Christian GR   Going with your friend Lindsay to take a ferry to go to Tenerife, lose it by a whisker :( and spot this bote called Vanessa and take...

Shirt/camisa: Zara (actual)Skirt/Falda: Blanco (actual-rebajas)Sandals: H&M (old)Bag/bolso: Hermés (old)Watch/reloj: Swatch (actual)  The day that I wore this outfit, Madrid was having the worst heat waves in history. I decided to wear this scarf motive skirt together with this fresh shirt to support the hot and...

Tshirt/Camiseta: Blanco (actual)Jeans: Stradivarius (Old)Pumps/bambas: Primark (actual)Blazer: Primark (actual)Clutch: Marc by Marc Jacobs (actual) Photo by @13patuka   Everybody knows about my incondicional love for Peggy, the famous muppet, and was Patricia, the photographer of 27things, who bought this cute t-shirt for me...